Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday Mornings

Weekend mornings around here are very busy. Used to be that I could walk on a Sunday morning and not see anyone. Now it is like a highway: joggers, baby carriages, dogs and scuba divers.Lots to see though.

Memorial Plaque.

Before and after photos.

It is difficult to convey eerie silence through a photo. Usually I am at least accompanied by the sound of gently lapping wavelets, if not smashing waves. Almost never is the Sound as smooth as a mountain lake in late afternoon. Turns out it was what is called "the calm before the storm." By the time I came back around, the clouds had rolled in, the wind had picked up and it had started to rain.

Breakfast. Before I could take another photo - DOWN THE HATCH!

I have no idea what this is. A type of Stonehenge I guess. A friend of mind thought it might be an Alki Beach "crop circle."

Lucky Penny. Well, I picked up the dollar bill. Do you think I picked up the penny? When I was little, finding a penny meant it was my lucky day. Nowadays, a penny isn't quite as valuable. But I think it is bad luck not to pick it up. Not picking it up feels ungrateful. So I did.

A better photo of the Bird Man of Alki.

A sidewalk plaque near Whale's Tail Park.

I remember this Christmas day a few years ago as well. It was one you could never forget. First of all, the weather was totally out of character for the end of December. The sun was out, the air was warm as spring and the water sparkled like it was made of crinkled tin foil.

Then the orcas appeared. A huge pod of them. They danced across the Sound for over an hour. They jumped completely out of the water, as if to revel in the beautiful afternoon. Then they moved south, past Alki Point and down to Vashon. Word got out and everyone came down to the beach to see the orcas.

I've been looking for the orcas this year but haven't seen any at all. I have heard that the gray whales are here. Gray whales are nice, but they just don't do it for me the way the orcas do.

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